The Request for Proposal Just Dropped ... Now What Do You Do?
Responding to a federal government Request for Proposal can be a full-time job from the time it shows up in your mailbox until the submittal deadline. Here's what you need to know:
1. You will likely be asked to submit two (sometimes more) separate documents.
a. The first is called a technical proposal and discusses the "what" you are proposing to respond to the government's need, the "how" will you go about providing that solution. And the "why me" that describes why the government should select you over and above the other competitors.
b. The second volume is the cost and price proposal discussing your business, the proposed items and prices you will deliver, and in many cases detailed cost or pricing data (certified or uncertified) that substantiate your price.
2. You will be asked to verify certain information about your company and make certain representations and certifications concerning it.
3. The solicitation document - less Sections K, L, and M will become your contract if awarded. Everything in the remaining sections will be an enforceable part of the contract.
1. You will likely be asked to submit two (sometimes more) separate documents.
a. The first is called a technical proposal and discusses the "what" you are proposing to respond to the government's need, the "how" will you go about providing that solution. And the "why me" that describes why the government should select you over and above the other competitors.
b. The second volume is the cost and price proposal discussing your business, the proposed items and prices you will deliver, and in many cases detailed cost or pricing data (certified or uncertified) that substantiate your price.
2. You will be asked to verify certain information about your company and make certain representations and certifications concerning it.
3. The solicitation document - less Sections K, L, and M will become your contract if awarded. Everything in the remaining sections will be an enforceable part of the contract.
I Need Help!

Sometimes winning is simply not losing.
Donald Shannon - The Contract Coach

Bidandproposal.com is the GovCon proposal arm ofthe Contract Coach - owned and operated by a 30-year veteran of the proposal wars and armed with the skills, expertise, and tools needed to quickly and professionally get you to the proposal finish line - be that the technical proposal, the cost and pricing proposal, or managing the entire effort.
Proposal Management a Specialty

Managing the proposal effort is akin to managing any other project. It requires a schedule, a budget, and close tracking of the performance vs the plan to ensure a timely and satisfactory outcome It.also require special knowledge and skills such as technical writing, editing, estimating, and regulatory practices, It's a high stakes game. Your investment in a several week effort can be thrown in the trash because you didn't follow instructions.
This is why an experienced proposal expert adds value to your team - cutting through the maze of government boilerplate and steering you in the right direction.
Visit the remaining pages in this site to become familiar with the company and the services we provide …
This is why an experienced proposal expert adds value to your team - cutting through the maze of government boilerplate and steering you in the right direction.
Visit the remaining pages in this site to become familiar with the company and the services we provide …